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Layflat Tubing

Description Technical Sizes

Layflat tubing is a continuous roll of polythene to make your own bag or protective cover. Used for covering pipes, rolled up fabric or storing display items. Layflat will protect against dust and moisture. Secure long or tall items with cable ties, tape or staples. Make your own individual bags by using a heat sealer. Great if you need to make different pack sizes. Useful for small parts, animal feed etc. For cylindrical items there is a handy calculation to ensure you get the correct width to fit. Please note, other thicknesses available to order.

Click below to get a quote, or call us on 01604 603 600 to speak to our team.

Our standard stock comes in:

Thickness: 250 gauge or 500 gauge

Length: up to 24 inches per roll

Width: 330M (for 250 gauge) or 165M (for 500 gauge)

- 2" 250g/500g - (2kg weight)  

- 3" 250g/500g - (3kg weight)

- 4" 250g/500g - (4kg weight)

- 5" 250g/500g - (5kg weight)

- 6" 250g/500g - (6kg weight)

- 7" 250g/500g - (7kg weight)

- 8" 250g/500g - (8kg weight)

- 9" 250g/500g - (9kg weight)

- 10" 250g/500g - (10kg weight)

- 12" 250g/500g - (12kg weight)

- 14" 250g/500g - (14kg weight)

- 16" 250g/500g - (16kg weight)

- 18" 250g/500g - (18kg weight)

- 20" 250g/500g - (20kg weight)

- 22" 250g/500g - (22kg weight)

- 24" 250g/500g - (24kg weight)

- 26" 250g/500g - (25kg weight)

- 30" 250g/500g - (25kg weight)

- 36" 250g/500g - (25kg weight)                               

- 48" 250g/500g - (25kg weight)

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